Asian in Glasgow

What do Chinese, Malaysian, Vietnamese and Korean cuisines have in common? The answer is they are all fabulously delicious and you can enjoy incredible, mouth-wateringly good deals for each of them, in the Glasgow area, from Wowcher! Perfect for a meal out with your partner, or a group trip for dinner with your friends, Asian cuisine is uniquely flavoursome and full of interesting and tasty textures. If you want to breath in the amazing smell of your favourite Asian cuisine with an all-you-can-eat buffet or a set menu, then just check out the amazing range of Wowcher deals for the best restaurants in Glasgow, practice your chop stick skills and get ready for a lip-smackingly good dinner deal!

2 Course Chinese Dining with a Glass of Wine for 2-4 - The Asian, Newton Mearns




Asian Newton Mearns Food 4

2 Course Dining for 2 w/ Side & Wine Upgrade - Glasgow



