Food Intolerance in Liverpool

Ever feel unwell, bloated or irritated after eating and you simply don’t know why? It may be that you have a previously unrevealed food intolerance that is causing your body discomfort whenever you eat. At LivingSocial, we work with expert companies who specialise in discovering what food types your body may be intolerant to using sophisticated hair sample tests and cutting-edge science. Most tests will just require you to send a sample of your hair off to the lab and the results will be sent back to your door. So if you worry you may be lactose intolerant, or have trouble with gluten or wheat, then put it to the test and eat more comfortably thanks to a great deal on LivingSocial.

At-Home Health MOT Tests




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Test Your Food Sensitivity - Food Intolerance Test 400 - 900 Items




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Test Your Food Sensitivity - Food Allergy Test: 400 - 900 Items

Spa & Relaxation